Saturday, February 11, 2012


I must be in remission.  I have been doing well for some time now.  Seems that the Rituxan has pushed me into a remission and I don't have the severe pain in my joints that I had before.  I still tire easily and I do make a point of going to bed early.  I can't make it past 10 pm.  I am so very happy with this time I am enjoying now!  I hope it lasts a long, long time!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I have much to be thankful for.  I have been feeling better than I have in a long time.  Saw my rhuematologist last week and he is quite confident that the Rituxan is the key here.  I suggested we go ahead and do another infusion, but he said the rule is that while all is going well, leave it along.  When I start feeling poorly, then we will consider the Rituxan again.

Will be with family for this holiday celebration and looking forward to having everyone with me!

Monday, October 24, 2011


I'm still feeling pretty good.  Tom & I are thinking more and more that the Rituxan infusion was a good thing after all.  Here it is October  - six months since the infusions.  I see my rhuematologist in November and will discuss whether or not to do more of the Rituxan at that time.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


The only major complaint is not enough energy!  More of that would be great!  The Lupus seems to really drain me.  Still feeling quite good.  Some pain in the front joint where the leg goes into the hip; moreso in the left.  I think yoga seems to help it since it is stretching and that's exactly what is needed.

I've lost a few pounds on a diet called Medifast, which was recommended by my rhuematologist.  I am really happy with this!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Wonderful Vacation

I'm feeling quite well these days, but this is after a great 2 week vacation.  I felt well during our travels and came home feeling better than I have in ages! 

Need to get busy with a weight loss plan and knock off some of these pounds.  Then I will really feel good!  That should do wonders for my blood pressure!

Just have to relish these good days.  Enjoy and appreciate them!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Not HSV Afterall

Had a 6 mo. checkup with my primary care physician yesterday and after many questions, he determined that I did not have HSV nor Shingles, but rather a bacterial infection of the skin.  How did I get this?  We had stayed at a very nice winery with a huge bubble tub.  It was very, very clean, quite new.  But in the jets of the tub lay germs that my compromised immune system can't handle.  My doctor said although my case was bad enough, it could have been a whole lot worse!!  I was really rather lucky. 

I am checking with my rhuematologist now to see if I can go off the medicine he felt I should stay on for maintence for the next several months.

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Itchies Are Over

The business of waking in the middle of the night about to jump out of my skin was getting old.  The areas where there were blisters were on fire.  Thank the dear Lord that is over and done with now.  It looked like I was going to have some terrible scars, but the first of those are starting to fade and lighten up.  I know now that they will all go away, it is just taking some time.