Wednesday, August 24, 2011


The only major complaint is not enough energy!  More of that would be great!  The Lupus seems to really drain me.  Still feeling quite good.  Some pain in the front joint where the leg goes into the hip; moreso in the left.  I think yoga seems to help it since it is stretching and that's exactly what is needed.

I've lost a few pounds on a diet called Medifast, which was recommended by my rhuematologist.  I am really happy with this!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Wonderful Vacation

I'm feeling quite well these days, but this is after a great 2 week vacation.  I felt well during our travels and came home feeling better than I have in ages! 

Need to get busy with a weight loss plan and knock off some of these pounds.  Then I will really feel good!  That should do wonders for my blood pressure!

Just have to relish these good days.  Enjoy and appreciate them!