Thursday, May 12, 2011

Need some energy

Good things are happening, but I am so tired!  Our new granddaughter, Vaeda, was born Friday, May 6.  She is a beautiful little girl.  We are so proud!  Her big sister, Ozaine, stayed with us while mommy was in the hospital.  Her hospital stay which would have been just a couple of days turned out to be much longer due to an emergency C-section. 

I just can't seem to get a blast of energy and have it stay with me.  The past couple of days my hips have been achey, my feet hurt, my hands have been swollen for a couple of weeks now.  Not real pleased with this.  I know that stress plays a huge part in all of this, but I thought the Rituxan would have countered the aches and pains I'm feeling.  For as much as the Rituxan costs, I don't know if it's worth it.  I guess I will have to give it a few more days to get past the stress of this weekend.  Maybe then I will really feel better.

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