Monday, June 6, 2011

New Problems

For two weeks I was on a high dose of prednisone and I am to reduce it by one mg. per week now until I get down to 7 mgs.  Then we will see how I am doing there. 

Friday morning I woke to find a spot on my thigh that was itchy.  I thought it might be a chigger bite.  As the weekend went on I got more of them and they were leaky and big and blistered.  I thought of shingles yesterday.  My rhuematologist said I better get right in to see him today.  I have HSV or Herpes Symplex Virus and it is related to and similar to Shingles.  It is caused by stress!!  Oh great!!  Just get rid of stress.....................

Doctor ordered up some high powered drug for me to take to ease the pain and itching.  I sure hope it works!!  I am miserable right now.

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