Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Yesterday afternoon my right shoulder began hurting to beat the band.  Today I can barely move my right arm.  Washing my hair with one hand was not at all fun.  My husband could see I was in a bad way this morning so he helped me get dressed.  Tom was so patient with me this morning:  He held my arm up in the air and transferred comb and curling iron to me so I could do my hair without moving my right arm.  It was still painful, but we managed to laugh our way through it.  And it turned out looking quite good!!

I've called my rhuematologist about this intense pain & he is going to see me tomorrow afternoon to give me a cortisone injection in that shoulder to get me by.

He had given me an injection of cortisone in the left shoulder when I saw him last on Jan. 10th.  These cortisone injections are only temporary, but when in tremendous pain, they do help.

All of the information regarding Rituxan can be found at under patient information.  I hurt like heck, but I would sure like to hold off with the Rituxan for a bit.

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