Saturday, February 12, 2011

Moving Right Along

By the end of the day after my workout Wednesday, I felt achy.  My son reminded me I would probably feel worse the next day!  He was right!  I hurt all over.  I forced myself to go to my scheduled workout Friday morning, but we took it slowly and eased things up a bit.  My trainer could tell I was walking better by the time our session was over and I felt better as well.  I was so exhausted at the end of Friday after babysitting my little grandson.  That night I hurt all over, but especially in my right shoulder, hip and ankle.  The pain in my ankle had me in tears and sitting up in bed rubbing my leg.

My husband urged me to try to do my "gentle yoga" this morning.  I really didn't think I would be able to do it and I have to admit it was the worst I've ever done.  But I did what I could and had to sort of be extra gentle with the right side stretches.

I did take a half hour nap this afternoon which helped me to feel a bit more alert. 

Since my rhuematologist found I have a heart murmur which I did not have before, I will be seeing my primary care physician Monday afternoon.  I'm sure he will want me to see a cardiologist.

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